The center for neuro-functional rehabilitation (CRNF) aims the Rehabilitation and the Physical Stimulation allowing a better learning of the motor functions, and to complement the conventional medical approach.
It is based on similar programs existing for years in other countries, like the USA, Switzerland, Holland, and which have enabled to help many individuals.
The chiropractic functional neurology exerted in the center in Saint-Malo constitutes a precious clinical tool for evaluating the neuro-motor development of the individual, and this from birth, as well as a reliable element of rehabilitation.
At the CRNF, the practitioners are able to advise you and provide you with an appropriate reeducation treatment protocol and to accompany you serenely.
In order to improve the patient’s condition, various stimulations, non-invasive, may be used to restore the different body balances (posture, phonation, neuro-motor control, motor coordination disorders, spatial and temporal coordination disorders, and cognitive disorders….).
Those stimulations can be chiropractic ajustements, the use of light and sound stimulation, electrical stimulations (TENS), transcutaneous vibratory stimulations, vestibular and gyroscopic stimulations, cognitive exercices, hypnosis, speech therapy, or respiratory work.
In case of application of a stimulation of appropriate intensity, duration and frequency in a controlled environment, surprising results often occur, which can sometimes cause fatigue! The art lies in proceed gradually.
It is a holistic and efficient therapy, workable for both preventive and curative purposes.
A study of your disorders and of your objectives will be discussed:
Chiropractic care certainly « doesn’t heal » serious pathologies: autoimmune diseases, diseases of genetic, neurological, vascular or even psychological origin etc, but can provide « a precious support » to many patients, in addition to and in adequation with medical care.
A stroke can affect the locomotor system and cause a one-sided paralysis, it can also touch the sensory system and cause disorders of language, reading, writing or vision.
Symptoms are not well recognized, the tendency is to trivialize them and wait too long. Yet as soon as appears a numbness of one part of the body, unusual headache, difficulties with speech or understanding, trouble seeing out of one eye, it is an emergency, it is necessary to think at a stroke.
Life after a stroke can sometimes be very difficult and challenging, both for the person who is affected and for his entourage.
If you or a loved one suffered a stroke, and if a medical care was engaged, but the aftermath persists nonetheless, please contact us.
It is often believed that concussions touch only professional athletes. Often overlooked, they affect persons of all ages: children, teenagers and adults.
A concussion induces a change in the functioning of the brain, causing various symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, confusion, fatigue, weakness, blurred vision, headache, irritability, disorientation, despondency feeling, depression, etc.
Although they vary from mild to severe concussions are all injuries that may interfere with brain function. Generally, there are no major consequences in the case of a first minor trauma. But if you have already had a concussion, the effects of another concussion, however slight, may be more serious.
So be careful, and do not hesitate to consult your doctor if you have experienced repeated or more severe concussions, and if there are consequences, we can probably help you.
Within the category of pervasive developmental disorders are included :
Autism is defined by a qualitative triade which are includes :
It is not a mental illness but a consequence of a dysfunction in the development of the central nervous system.
An early treatment enables a significant improvement of the symptoms.
We can help you.
Dysphasia is a central disorder of verbal communication. It can affect more particularly expression (expressive dysphasia), understanding (receptive dysphasia) or both at the same time (mixed dysphasia).
This disorder has long-term repercussions on the affected person's ability to communicate, since it is a structural disorder of language acquisition, an anomaly of language development.
We can help you.