Publications 22/11/2022 : The brain’s center of gravity: how the default mode network helps us to understand the self05/05/2022 : The Role of the Cerebellar and Vestibular Networks in Anxiety Disorders and Depression: the Internal Model Hypothesis20/01/2022 : Spasticity: how to manage it?16/08/2021 : Preliminary evidence of improved cognitive performance following vestibular rehabilitation in children with combined ADHD (cADHD) and concurrent vestibular impairment09/05/2021 : The Cerebellum May Have Played an Important Role in the Evolution of the Human Brain17/04/2021 : Parkinson's disease: a new therapeutic approach using infrared light25/11/2020 : S’entraîner par la pensée pour récupérer d’un AVC : explications sur le neurofeedback 25/11/2020 : Spasticity and a thin corpus collosum are common in specific forms of hereditary spastic paraplegia 17/08/2020 : Brain stimulation studies of non-motor cerebellar function06/08/2020 : ‘Little Brain’ or Cerebellum Not So Little After All03/08/2020 : Brain-to-Brain Synchrony Tracks Real-World Dynamic Group Interactions in the Classroom01/08/2020 : Modulation of the human electro-cerebellogram (ECeG) during vestibular and optokinetic stimulation01/08/2020 : Descending influences on vestibulospinal and vestibulosympathetic reflexes29/07/2020 : New experimental method of evaluation of driver back fatigue during long-term driving29/07/2020 : Impact of Prolonged Sitting on Cognitive Function: Implications for Cardio-metabolic Risk29/07/2020 : Combined EEG-fNIRS Decoding of Motor Attempt and Imagery for Brain Switch Control: An Offline Study in Patients With Tetraplegia01/07/2020 : The power of bond07/04/2020 : Cerebellar Processing of Sensory Inputs Primes Motor Cortex Plasticity30/03/2020 : Cerebellar Contribution to Motor and Non-motor Functions in Parkinson's Disease: A Meta-Analysis of fMRI Findings.27/09/2019 : GyroStim: Helping Man Get to Mars27/09/2019 : Repeated head trauma induces a decline in psychomotor and cognitive functions27/09/2019 : Repeated head trauma induce a decline in psychomotor and cognitive functions19/12/2018 : Functional Neurology: the neurological work-up as a treatment!!22/11/2018 : Stimulation of the vagus nerve appears to have effects on brain plasticity.23/09/2018 : Brain and immune system23/09/2018 : Correlation between oculomotor changes and atlas-based volumetry in patients with different neurodegenerative Parkinson syndromes23/09/2018 : Mal de debarquement23/09/2018 : Reduced saccadic velocity and pupillary width in young onset Parkinson’s disease23/09/2018 : Mal de débarquement: possible vestibulo-cerebellar defection23/09/2018 : Movement related slow cortical potentials in severely paralyzed chronic stroke patients26/06/2018 : What is Neurofeedback really?31/05/2018 : Transcutaneous focal tendon vibration at the service of brain-damaged children06/02/2017 : Mal de debarquement syndrome06/02/2017 : Neurophysiology of concussions28/01/2017 : Tau protein and concussion27/10/2016 : New Research Published : Incorporation of Feedback During Beat Synchronization is an Index of Neural Maturation and Reading Skills13/10/2016 : Behavior and concentration problems21/06/2016 : Interest of the work on Saccadic Eye Movement in posture and balance21/06/2016 : Interest of oculomotor saccades in the treatment of concussions03/02/2016 : Neuronal and chiropractic plasticity30/09/2015 : Walking and brain training07/09/2015 : Adjusting signals from the spinal cord and inner ear cells: keep your head on your shoulders when you walk!05/06/2015 : Brain changes after chiropractic treatment22/01/2015 : Chiropractors and functional neurology, a chiropractic specialty from the USA22/01/2015 : Neurology: stimulating the brain and the body21/01/2015 : Change in cortical activity and chiropractic treatment06/06/2014 : Targeting Cortical Representations in the Treatment of Chronic Pain05/06/2014 : Rhythms and preparation of motor sequences05/06/2014 : Physical exercise and Parkinson's05/06/2014 : Fast Pedaling Benefits People with Parkinson's Disease05/06/2014 : Functional brain asymmetry and scoliosis05/06/2014 : Etiology of scoliosis05/06/2014 : Scoliosis and oculo-visual impairment05/06/2014 : Minor shocks to the brain can lead to cognitive and behavioral dysfunctions04/06/2014 : Gene Expression Profiling Differentiates Autism Case – Controls and Phenotypic Variants of Autism Spectrum Disorders04/06/2014 : Autism and IM