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Divers / Autres

New experimental method of evaluation of driver back fatigue during long-term driving

NIRS-based experimental evaluation of driver back fatigue during long-term driving

In this paper, the authors establish the degree of driver fatigue experimentally when driving for a long time, through the relative discomfort based on different driver postures.

The analysis is based on the measurement of the oxygen concentration changes in the erector spinae muscle for the same subjects when driving a vehicle on a highway for a long time, in one of two driving postures.

Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a very good means of measuring hemodynamic responses, and measurements can be conducted during the volitional movement of people, since it is strong with regard to movement noise and physiological noise (e.g. respiration, pulse), which are utilized for diverse purposes.

Analyzing the driver's postures using the time constant confirmed that the interpretation of the relative discomfort time point could be done based on the variation in the oxygen concentration at a specific time point. The proposed method is an objective assessment method, which increases the reliability and efficiency of driver fatigue assessments.

Authors: SangHyeon Jin, Jinung An, SeungHyun Lee, Inju Lee & Hyung Joo Kim

Full article:

Article posté le 29/07/2020

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