Brain-Moove Center

Functional Brain Rehabilitation Center & Chiropractic Care Center


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Rhythms and preparation of motor sequences

Here is a fascinating study. Bengtsson et al (2009) found that the areas of the brain involved in motor planning and scheduling (or the preparation of motor sequences) were activated when listening to rhythms.
Stimulation of motor planning and sequencing (and therefore motor coordination) through a series of progressive exercises which are synchronized to a regular auditory rhythm are used at the Neuro-Functional Rehabilitation Center of Saint-Malo.

Bengtsson, S.L., Ullen, F., Ehrsson, H.H., Hashimoto, T., Kito, T., Naito, E., Forssberg, H., and Sadato, N. (2009). Listening to rhythms activates motor and premotor cortices. Cortex, 45, 62-71.

Article posté le 05/06/2014

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